Appraisal Data Services

Appraisal Data Services is located in Tulsa in the northeast quadrant of the state of Oklahoma. ADS has been in operation since 1988 when it was created by a group of local commercial appraisers seeing a need for a data base of commercial sale and lease information.  The operation went onto the Internet in 1997 with version two of our operating system which was updated in 2007 to version three which is what we currently use.  Access to the system is by subscription only. image

Data is divided into five types: Land Sales, Land Leases, Improved Property Sales, Improved Property Leases, and Farm and Ranch Sales.  Within each property type, records can be classified as verified, lead, pending, physical, listing, expired listing, survey, clipping or unknown.  The data base is available to both real estate appraisers and real estate brokers with brokers having the opportunity to display the listing they input onto the public access portion of the web site.  Both appraisers and brokers access different amounts of data on any particular record depending upon their subscription class.  In addition to the traditional types of information found in commercial real estate data bases such as sales, leases, and listings for sale or lease, the data base includes income and expense comparables. image

By clicking here, you will be taken to a screen that shows the various criteria for the various property types.  It is not an actual search screen but indicates the types of criteria available for search.  By clicking here, you will be able to view a sale record as a Class 1 appraiser would of an example of an income and expense comparable as viewed by a broker.

ADS is based upon the premise that local appraisers and brokers know best how to use and control their data.  As such, ADS welcomes other local groups who might wish to use its software.

If you wish to obtain more information about Appraisal Data Services, please feel free to contact Adam Adwon, MAI, CCIM or Trisha Jones at 918-742-7311.